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Element has an opportunity for aBusiness Development Manager (BDM) with minimum 5 years of sales experience, who is eager to learn and work in the TIC/Energy sector. Together with our enthusiastic sales team you will contribute to the ongoing development and professionalization of the commercial side of our business in Italy. Our Italian customers are mainly in the Energy (Oil & Gas) industry. As BDM you will drive growth both within our current customer base and new prospects, improve customer satisfaction even further, drive productivity and achieve and exceed Element’s sales objectives. Reporting into the Business Development Director, you will collaborate with our Italian sales team but also with the wider international Element sales group. The role will be based in...
Till Element söker vi en Mät- & kalibreringstekniker till vår enhet i Eslöv.Har du erfarenhet av industriell tillverkning så som svarvning eller fräsning och gillar mätteknik? Då är det här jobbet för dig. Vi erbjuder dig utvecklande uppdrag i ett företag som befinner sig i en intressant utvecklingsfas där vi ger dig möjligheter att växa. Här får du också chansen att arbeta med kunder inom ett brett spektrum av svensk industri. Arbetsuppgifterna är omväxlande, uppdragen utförs till största delen på vårt labb i Eslöv men även kalibrering och uppmätning på plats ute hos kund kan förekomma. Arbetet utförs på dagtid och vi erbjuder dig flexibel arbetstid, kollektivavtal, friskvårdsmöjligheter samt föräldralön. Idag är vi 8 medarbetare på labbet i Eslöv och vi söker nu dig som vill bli...
Element has an opportunity for a Finance Business Partner to join our growing team. This is a great opportunity to develop your Finance career within a Global testing, inspection and certification TIC business.
Element is offering a comprehensive one-year Internship program for fresh graduates in Saudi Arabia. As an Intern, you will be involved in entry-level work supporting Element's laboratory operations, gaining hands-on experience in Metallurgical Testing, Chemistry Testing, Civil Testing, Finance, Procurement, and Sales. The program lasts for one year and includes both in-house responsibilities and occasional site visits. This opportunity is available for fresh graduates based in Dammam and Jeddah who hold a diploma or degree in Chemistry, Civil, Mechanical, Supply Chain or Finance.
The Business Development Manager is responsible for pursuing sales opportunities to sell Geotechnical Instrumentation and monitoring, Site Investigation, and related testing services to clients across the Construction Industry. Reporting directly to the Sales Director (Asia), the BDM is responsible for driving and achieving growth with High Touch Accounts and by prospecting for new opportunities with new clients. The role is expected to exercise appropriate leadership to maximize team effectiveness working seamlessly with our Quantity Surveyors, lab managers, and operational and leadership teams who all play an active part in sales, alongside Elements Global Technical Leaders where necessary. The successful candidate will also have an opportunity to progress to a sales responsibility for...
Element has an opportunity for a Business Development Manager responsible for accounts in the North of England region within the UK so must be based there. In this role you will be responsible for pursuing sales opportunities to sell Element products and services within specified accounts in order to meet their assigned budget. You are responsible for managing your accounts, expanding product lines within the existing customers and bring on-board new customers. The new Business Development Manager will work alongside two other Account Managers and a Regional Sales Manager. Element are the UK’s premier supplier of chromatography products, training and technical services. Element put the customer at the heart of everything we do; we aim to offer fast delivery, great after sales...
Element has an opportunity for an experienced Technical Governance Manager.You will provide technical leadership & governance of the key technical areas of responsibility; Develop the strategic understanding, approach, and execution plan for product groups and relevant technical services. In this role, you will play a critical role in developing and implementing the technical governance framework to ensure that all activities related to testing, and certification are carried out in a consistent, efficient, and reliable manner.
Element has an opportunity for an Engineer to join our rapidly expanding team. As a member of the operations team, the Engineer position performs a variety of routine and non-routine testing assignments within the department assigned and insures timely and accurate test results under minimal direct supervision. This role is based in Ang Mo Kio, Singapore.
Element has an opportunity for a Department Manager to join our rapidly expanding team. In this role, you will perform a variety of routine and non-routine testing assignments within the department assigned and insures timely and accurate test results under minimal direct supervision. This position will be based in Sungei Kadut Loop,Singapore.
Element has an opportunity for an Engineer to join our rapidly expanding team. As a member of the operations team, the Engineer position performs a variety of routine and non-routine testing assignments within the department assigned and insures timely and accurate test results under minimal direct supervision. The engineer position must be proficient in a number of core business and technical skills including but not limited to compliance to established safety rules, code of conduct, and company policies and procedures.